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Sticking to your goals can be hard as hell. We're here to help.

Are you constantly giving up? Do you feel like you're not where you want to be? You can't just sit around and wait for something to happen, the only person that is going to change your life is you. With a little help from us of course.

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Studies show that having someone (or in our case, something) holding you accountable, increases your chances of success by up to 65%.

One study noted that: 'Accountability has been noted to play a significant role in motivating professionals and teams to take action and achieve results, even more so than incentives like money, time off, and competition.'


Having an idea or goal

Just having an idea or goal equates to around a 10% chance of success.


Deciding when to do it

Even consciously deciding to develop a habit or to reach a goal only increases your chances of success to 25%.


Committing alongside someone else

This statistic rises to a remarkable 65% if there is someone else keeping you in check.

How does it work?

Everything you need to know.

1. Sign Up

Subscribe to our service to unlock the full feature set of Poekd. You'll then recieve a message from our system, just ask them any questions you may have to get started.

2. Create a habit, or a goal

The two main mechanisms behind Poekd are goals, and habits. For goals think 'I want to run a marathon by next year', and for habits think 'I want to go running every day'. Poekd will help you to set these up, and will then send you custom reminders to keep you on track.

3. Smash your goals

Poekd is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Poekd will be there to help you every step of the way, and will be there to celebrate with you when you achieve your goals. You've got this.

Still not convinced?

Why not hear from some of our users?

"Poekd has been invaluable in helping me to achieve my goals. Last summer I took up enduro biking, and since using Poekd I can honestly say I am more motivated than ever. Setting up my goal of competing was easy, and then the regular habit reminders and motivational messages ensured I stuck to it."

Will Oliver
Aspiring Enduro Racer

"Over the course of Uni I put on a lot of weight. I was struggling to find the motivation to get back into shape, but Poekd has helped me to do just that. In fact, Poe's daily messages, and the fact that I know I'll be letting him down if I don't stick with it, have helped me to lose even more weight than I had originally planned."

James Avery
Fitness Junkie

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